Agile New England

A worldwide inclusive forum that nurtures radical discussion about emergent Agile practices.

Agile New England

A worldwide inclusive forum that nurtures radical discussion about emergent Agile practices.


Broza Gil
March 7, 2024

What can we do to deliver better results?

Gil Broza
When you think about delivering better results, what options do you consider: upgrading the deployment pipeline, prioritizing the backlog better, restructuring teams, or something else entirely? To achieve meaningful and sustainable improvement, you must work across the entire value delivery system, from idea to production. Based on work with over 100 client organizations, Gil Broza has identified 10 strategies that optimize a system’s fitness for purpose (how well it helps the company achieve its mission and objectives). In this session, you’ll use a quick, process-agnostic way to determine your value delivery system’s fitness level. You’ll learn about the strategies and which . . .

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Agile New England is 20 years old!

Our new website offers us an opportunity to learn about our active members to serve them better. It also makes it easier for you to find the information you need about upcoming and past events and membership.

One change: we now restrict some content to logged-in members. This content includes summary information about past Monthly Meetings, video content, and member polls.

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