A community is only as strong as its members. Help Agile New England strengthen our community with your ideas, voice, experience, and diversity. We need YOU!
What we give to you
- Access to Member-only content on our website, including access to our monthly meeting and event videos.
- Special discounts to Agile New England conferences and events.
- A subscription to our digital newsletter.
- Voting rights in our yearly elections.
What you give to us
- A more diverse, vibrant community with many experiences, interests, beliefs, and views.
- An increased ability to attract sponsors, thus helping us keep membership to Agile New England free.
Your membership is extremely important!
If you are not a member, please register today.
Membership to Agile New England is free – no strings attached.
Note: You do not need to be a member to attend meetings and events, and registering for a meeting does not make you a member.
Membership to Agile New England does not constitute membership in our parent organization, ACM.
You are safe with us. We will never sell your information!