Agile New England

A worldwide inclusive forum that nurtures radical discussion about emergent Agile practices.

Agile New England

A worldwide inclusive forum that nurtures radical discussion about emergent Agile practices.


Woody Zuill
June 05, 2014

Mob Programming and Leadership – Enabling the Self-Organizing Team

Woody Zuill
Leadership is the process of creating an environment in which people become empowered.” – Gerald M. Weinberg From the Principles behind the Agile Manifesto: “Build projects around motivated individuals. Give them the environment and support they need, and trust them to get the job done.” Let’s explore the possibilities of these leadership ideas, and how one team found their own path of self-organization within an environment where everyone is empowered. Mob Programming is similar to pair programming but with more folks. I think of it as “All the brilliant people working on the same thing, at the same time, . . .

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