Agile New England

A worldwide inclusive forum that nurtures radical discussion about emergent Agile practices.

Agile New England

A worldwide inclusive forum that nurtures radical discussion about emergent Agile practices.

Code of Conduct

Agile New England is an all-inclusive community where everyone interested in learning about Agile is welcome to attend our meetings and events. We expect all attendees to all of our events to treat each other with respect and dignity – without exception.

Below please find the official Code of Conduct from the Agile New England bylaws.



From Article XI of Agile New England Bylaws

  1. Harassment is unwelcome or hostile behavior, including speech that intimidates, creates discomfort, or interferes with a person’s participation or opportunity for participation, in a conference, event or program. Harassment in any form, including but not limited to harassment based on alienage or citizenship, age, color, creed, disability, marital status, military status, national origin, pregnancy, childbirth- and pregnancy-related medical conditions, race, religion, sex, gender, veteran status, sexual orientation or any other status protected by laws in which the chapter meeting or chapter event is being held, will not be tolerated. Harassment includes the use of abusive or degrading language, intimidation, stalking, harassing photography or recording, inappropriate physical contact, sexual imagery and unwelcome sexual attention. A response that the participant was “just joking,” or “teasing,” or being “playful,” will not be accepted.
  2. Anyone witnessing or subject to unacceptable behavior should notify a chapter officer or ACM Headquarters.
  3. Individuals violating these standards may be sanctioned or excluded from further participation at the discretion of the chapter officers or responsible committee members.

Email the ANE Team Leads

Email the Pre Monthly Meeting Team

Email the Sponsorship Team

Email the Membership Team

Email the Communications Team

Email the ANE Conductor

Email the IT Team

Monthly Meeting Speaker Feedback

Email the Monthly Meeting Team

ANE Information Request

Monthly Member Question Submission


Build your network.
Build your skills.
Make a difference.

Re-registration Information

Agile New England is 20 years old!

Our new website offers us an opportunity to learn about our active members to serve them better. It also makes it easier for you to find the information you need about upcoming and past events and membership.

One change: we now restrict some content to logged-in members. This content includes summary information about past Monthly Meetings, video content, and member polls.

What hasn’t changed? Membership to Agile New England is still free. No strings attached.

black and silver safe handle

You are safe with us.  We will never sell your information!

Non-Elected Board Position Interest Form

Election Nomination

Other Group Submission

Website Feedback

Community Event Submission

ANE Idea Submission

ANE Topic Submission

Agile 101 Teaching Inquiry

Monthly Speaker Inquiry

Request Sponsorship Information
