Agile New England

A worldwide inclusive forum that nurtures radical discussion about emergent Agile practices.

Agile New England

A worldwide inclusive forum that nurtures radical discussion about emergent Agile practices.


James Shore
July 14, 2022

FAST: An Innovative Way to Scale

James Shore
PDUs: 1.25, Category: Technical
How can multiple teams work together on a single product? The common wisdom is to carefully align teams and responsibilities to create autonomous teams. But, invariably, this approach eventually runs into cross-team bottlenecks, challenges aligning responsibilities to teams, and difficulties creating cross-functional teams. Fluid Scaling Technology, or FAST, is an innovative new approach that solves these problems. It uses frequent team self-selection to prevent bottlenecks, share knowledge amongst teams, and ensure the right people are working on the right things. It’s simple and lightweight. Join James as he shares his experiences with scaling Agile—first with traditional approaches, and more . . .

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